
Monday, October 7, 2013

An Update.

South Dakota is a strange little corner of the world. Two days ago we had freezing temps, and today? Well, today was magic. We took the boys for a little stroll this evening and my heart was soaring. The leaves are just beginning to change, the air is just teetering a bit on the cooler side, and it is well with my soul. Autumn is my favorite season. This year, I am excited to be able to take two littles on the festive trips to the pumpkin patch; I am thrilled to welcome the season's change with a wild nose dive into a beautiful pile of gold, amber, and crimson.

Being a mother of two has been...a total train-wreck at times, and the most beautifully orchestrated concerto at others. It depends on which day you happen to catch me. Some days I am lucky to just pull my hair down from its two-day-old top bun, and others I feel like super mom. I guess that's just how it is.

Homeschooling is...going. As expected. The ring sling helps. Though, we like to explore and feel rather than pour over workbooks anyhow.

My heart is full. I've said it over and over again, but every day brings new challenges, new mountains, new calms. I'm finding this intense desire to take hold of each day and cling for dear life, because...they grow up fast. Oliver turns five in less than three months? How did that happen? Where did that time go? He's becoming such a unique, tender, sometimes stubborn personality. I see so much of both Andrew and I in him on a regular basis. He's tender, kind, endearing, and goofy like his dad, but hot-tempered, stubborn, impatient, strong, and quick-witted like his mum. He makes my heart swell with pride and love each passing day. He surprises me. Though, I really shouldn't be surprised. He's so intelligent.

He has been so good to us as we figure out this multiple child business. takes my breath away to see him and Dexter together. That tenderness? It's multiplied by thousands when he deals with his brother. I mean, he can be rough with him at times, but what I mean is that he's there for him. If Dexter makes a peep, big brother is there to rescue him, to comfort him, to make him laugh while mom and dad get their act together before rushing out the door. He picks up Dex's pacifier when it plummets to the ground, rushes to the diapers when I've got my hands full, and kisses his brother's head as he drifts to sleep. Everyone has been telling me "Yeah, but wait until Dexter starts to get into his toys, then the real fun starts.", but different. He marches out from his room with his favorite power ranger and sword and willingly hands them over to his brother to drool all over and gnaw on. Sharing with him brings him so much joy. And I don't see that fading quickly. My little giving tree.

And Dexter? He's growing way too fast. He's a mover. He loves tummy time and loves watching his brother's crazy antics. Although he is growing strong and working toward getting moving, he still melts in my arms as I nurse him. He stares intently up at me as he strokes my skin, drifting to sleep in a cloud of sleepy dust. He's a momma's-boy and I wouldn't have it any other way. Oliver was always the lover-of-people; he wanted to be where everyone was, center of attention, willing to talk to, be with anyone and everyone. He still loved a good momma-snuggle, but Dexter's home is near his mum. I feel blessed to have the ultra-snuggler that I've gotten in Dexter. It's so amazing to see the differences in our boys. This is such a fun ride.

And although I want it to slow down, this is part of the glory of it all. You need to slow down and soak it up, because time ain't going to slow down for anybody.

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